Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fred and Heath

Today is a sad day for Fred Thompson as he withdrew from the presidential election. A strong conservative and eager candidate had to say "no more." Scott Miller seems to be quite upset about this due to Fred's position on many issues. He felt that Fred would make a fine president because of his conservative view, which are supposedly the most right winged compared to the other candidates. He then went on to post some of Fred's responses to important issues. This was interesting for me to read because it gave me much insight- I would like to do this for all the candidates!

Although this wasn't on either of my blogs, I thought it would be relevant to talk about Heath Ledger's recent death. I find it quite ironic that today we were just talking about obituaries and the media. He died today, and the whole world has been informed through vast amounts of media coverage. He has filled the t.v. screens, internet sites, and radio talkshows. His death seems to be the most important news we can talk about, when yet there are thousands of people dying all over the world. But, we have one death here and since he is a celebrity, he gets headlines and press like none other. This just seems odd to me! However, I am sad that he died and I will be praying for his family who will miss him dearly!

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