Sunday, January 20, 2008


According to Scott Miller, the republicans need to get their acts together if America wants to have a good president. He feels that we are currently splitting too many of our votes for each candidate; for example, Mitt Romney had 15% Fred Thompson had 16%, Mike Huckabee had 30%, and John McCain had 33%. He also expresses his feelings of disgust towards McCain. He continually explains that he should not be considered a conservative, but instead a strong liberal. 

First of all, I too agree that right now many Republicans are split on who they should vote for. There seems to be many mixed feelings towards each candidate, which causes such a split. This might be a result of confusion on voters side, or just many differernt opinions for each candidate. However, I don't think we have to worry; sooner or later Republicans will come together and there will be more unity. Regarding McCain, I have to admit that I am quite confused on what Scott Miller is getting at.  I don't understand what he means when he says McCain should be a liberal. I have tried to find information regarding his position on things, and haven't found him to sound too liberal. If there are, please let me know because I am quite confused. 


Amy said...

I agree, I am confused as to why he would call McCain a liberal. That is completely untrue. I like McCain and so does my mother. There are also a lot of other Republicans who like McCain. So, if he really is a liberal then I doubt that a lot of conservatives would be voting for him.
The Republican votes are spread out, but I really think that either McCain or Huckabee will get the nomination.

DRobb said...

I am disappointed that the Republican party is so divided. I really do not see any strong candidates on the republican side. I am very disappointed to say that I think our next president will be a democrat.

Lars said...

Things that would make McCain a liberal:

Supports embryonic stem cell research.

Supports legal benefits for same-sex partners.

Voted against 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cut laws

That is about all I could find that would make him a liberal. He is definitely not the most conservative candidate out there but he is no liberal.

Bethany said...

Thank you Lars!