Thursday, January 3, 2008

Finally...My Two Blogs

Well, I feel as if I have finally found two blogs in which I am happy with and will be following. I have to admit that this was quite a lengthy and frustrating process due to the amount of blogs present and variety of blogs. However, my quest is now complete and my analysis/learning begins. 

The first blog in which I will be following is called the "Conservative Post." I believe the title states this blogs side quite clearly-conservative. The author of the first few blogs-Scott Miller talks about his frustration with "undecideds." He is annoyed that they are continually confused and unable to make decisions on whom to support. This then creates even more problems because these are the people who have the tendency to change their minds and opinions on important issues, an example of this is the Iraq War.

After reading this article, I have to admit I was a bit torn-I agreed with many of Millers points, but I also understand where the "undecided" come from; let me state my reasons. I agree in the sense that "undecided" people often create more confusion and frustration not only for themselves, but also for those around them. The answer to this problem, is taking the time to research and learn about all issues one is questioning; hopefully once this is done, then more answers and a clearer opinion results. However, I also believe that it can be quite easy to be caught in the position of an "undecided person." This is because the political world and news is constantly changing and being updated. As a result, one can often have trouble staying on top of everything there is to know. Also, in politics, much of what people say is not always true. The media is flooded with small glimpses into the actual truth of what really goes on. This alone makes it difficult for one to make a decision when inadequate information is supplied. 

The second blog in which I will be following is called "God's Politics- a blog by Jim Wallis and friends." This is a blog that deals with politics from a religion view, so I have been told. As I will later on critique this blog more in depth, I do see and realize that much of this blog will give me many things to think about. This blog is written in a way that is not only informative (from the authors perspective), but also very fluid. I am excited about this blog and am looking forward to reading it. 


Andrew said...

Nice blog... it needs some work though, I think. Have you found some good sources?

Rebecca said...

It's definitely easy to be one of the "undecideds". People change, politics change, the world changes. But I also think that sometimes this undecidedness comes from ignorance and not knowing enough about the world around us. I'll admit, I'm not the best at staying on top of the news and political speeches, but I hope to be one who knows why I am undecided and have reason enough to be so.

Buck said...
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